Anyone who is gluten free is aware of how hard it can be to find safe food while traveling. I’m open to anything that might make that task a bit easier. So when I decided to head down to Walt Disney World to check out their Christmas decorations this past week, I did a quick hunt for anything that could be of use. And luckily, I found something!
I downloaded this Gluten Free Disney Dining app for $1.99 after reading the very positive reviews and I’m glad I did. I rarely buy apps (I think this is my third in five years?) but it was worthwhile. The layout was easy to navigate, as you start at either Florida (World) or California (Land). Obviously, I selected Walt Disney World which then separated into going through parks, resorts or a handy Downtown Disney option and further into each individual restaurant. The variety of places listed was notable and each had suggestions or warnings associated. Since I didn’t have to hop from place to place to read every menu and further inquire about gf options, it really saved a lot of time and helped put my mind at ease.

Disney Magic Can Be Gluten Free, December 2013
Some places had actual gf diner feedback, which I appreciated and inspired me to do the same. I sent in reviews for every place I ate on the trip to help build up their database further. If you decide to give this a try, I’d encourage you to do the same. It pays to support people like those who built this to make our lives a little easier and our vacations a little more relaxing. I’ve included a link to the app below, just in case you have some Disney magic in your future!