If you’ve read my experience about gluten free dining in EPCOT’s Electric Umbrella then you may remember that my mom and I had a few traditions at Disney. The first was a late lunch at San Angel Inn in Mexico and the second was a French pastry to get me through the evening fireworks. Given that pastries are basically off my list, I decided to still try to find a treat in France, semi-salvaging the ritual. Since sorbets and ice creams can often be gluten free, I decided to pop into the L’Artisan des Glaces Ice Cream and Sorbet Shop that opened in the summer of 2013.

Sorbet and Ice Cream from L’Artisan des Glaces in EPCOT, December 2013
As I entered the waffle cone scented location, I took a quick look at the list of 16 flavors and knew that a few, such as profiterole (think cream puff), were automatically not options for me. I decided to ask the young French lady behind the counter if any were okay for gluten free diets. Off the top of her head, she started listing off the few I couldn’t have (and obviously that cones were off limits)! That’s the way to give this customer a little confidence in ordering! I opted for a double scoop cup with mixed berries sorbet and chocolate ice cream to create a truffle-esque taste, but my amusement didn’t end there. As soon as she had answered me, another girl working there asked her something in French and a discussion between them ensued. Now I have no clue what was said and honestly it doesn’t matter to me either way, but I can only imagine. In truth, I’d assume that she was explaining what I was asking about, but considering I just asked about gluten free foods in the land of baguettes, it could have been anything. Feel free to take guesses at what jokes could have been made!